Fee Arrangements: Flat Rate Fees and Hourly Rate Fees


Oppenhuizen Law tries to provide a flat-rate charge for as many services as possible. This helps clients budget and decide where to spend their money. Services that I provide for a flat rate fee include:

  • Patent searches and opinions
  • Drafting and filing patent applications
  • Preparing and filing trademark applications
  • Preparing and filing copyright applications
  • Many common trademark filings, such as responses to non-substantive rejections, Statements of Use, Affidavits of Use, and Renewals
  • Drafting (or responding to) cease and desist letters
  • Documents to assign ownership for patents and trademarks

Even when offering a flat-rate charge is not possible, I will still advise the client beforehand of an anticipated cost range so that they can decide how to proceed. I will also provide my assessment of different options and anticipated costs to help the client make the best decision to meet their needs.

Related Topics:

What Services can Oppenhuizen Law Provide for You?

The Firm’s Philosophy on Developing Client Relationships

Hiring a Michigan Attorney


Oppenhuizen Law PLC

625 Kenmoor Ave. SE, Ste. 301
Grand Rapids, MI  49546
United States

